About Us

Who are we?

We are two co-workers who love discussing and ranking our favorite pieces of pop culture ephemera. When we started creating Top Five lists at work to keep our minds occupied, Brett said it reminded him of High Fidelity. Stephen, at Brett’s behest, has finally seen it. He thought it was fine.


“Hey, I’m not the smartest guy in the world, but I’m certainly not the dumbest. I mean, I’ve read books like The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Love in the Time of Cholera, and I think I’ve understood them. They’re about girls, right?… Just kidding.”

Brett is The Rob – introverted, but still just as overly-opinionated about all things pop culture. His knowledge isn’t as wide but is often more focused. If there is deep lore to be gleaned from something, you better believe Brett is there to glean it. His focus usually skews more modern which tends to leave a blind spot relating to classic films and niche fare. If it’s horror, a video game, or a horror video game, though, Brett has you covered.

Want a little more Brett?


“You can be and are wrong.”

Stephen is The Barry – an opinionated extrovert with a wide breadth of pop culture knowledge and the misplaced courage of his convictions. He loves movies, comics, and literature. While he loves sci-fi movies and classic cinema, he’s just getting into the horror genre. His other blindspots are video games, anime/manga, and more populist, mainstream artistic fare (save the MCU films).

Want a little more Stephen?
Blog: The Indy Burger Guy
Podcast: Rule of Thirds

Why do we put rules and restrictions on our lists?

“Restrictions don’t create psychos!  Restrictions make psychos more creative!”

What is ‘Valhalla’?

‘Valhalla’ allows us to exercise a greater sense of creativity by limiting the properties we include on Top Five lists in order to prevent them from getting boring. We actually created a whole page to describe it, why we do it, and who’s currently in it (or almost in it).

Why did you guys go from five lists a week down to two?

Look, we’ll be honest. We love writing lists and dissecting and ranking pop culture ephemera as much as the next guys. That being said, it’s a lot of work keeping up with the schedule we’d set for ourselves and, above all, we want to be sure we’re providing you with quality content. We’re more likely to do that without he pressure of having to crank out a list every weekday, especially considering how easy it is to fall behind. We may only be doing two lists a week, but you can be sure that we’re doing everything we can to provide you with our best efforts. (If some wealthy pop culture fan would be willing to give us the funding necessary to quit our 9-to-5s in exchange for writing these lists, I’m sure we’d be more than happy to go back to the five-a-week model we started with.)