Top Five Fictional Companies

Suggested by: Brett

The Rules:

  • Any media is fair game!
  • To limit comic book over-saturation, let’s go with one company per publisher (i.e. – one for Marvel, one for DC, etc.).

Brett’s Top Five

5.) Silver Shamrock Novelties (Halloween III: Season of the Witch)
Here at Silver Shamrock we believe Halloween is a holiday to be worshiped! It’s a holiday of celebration and harvest! It’s more than just candy it’s about the “spirit” of the season. So be sure to grab one of our special masks, finish up your trick or treating early, and tune in to our extra special Silver Shamrock broadcast on Halloween night. It’s time to return to the old ways and find the true meaning of this wonderful day. Happy Halloween!

4.) The Acme Corporation (multiple franchises)
The favored brand of one Wile E. Coyote, Acme has been in the business of innovation and Road Runner capture since 1949. Our delivery service is second to none, dropping your order directly to your location in the blink of an eye. Please note: the rumors of murder and scandal surrounding our CEO Marvin Acme have been wildly exaggerated. Detective Eddie Valiant and his partner Roger have cleared all suspicious activity and Acme remains the epitome of anvil, rocket, and rocket-based products on the market today.

3.) Wayne Enterprises (Batman, DC Comics)
Wayne Enterprises has been the center of Gotham City before it was even a city. Passed down from generation to generation our current CEO Bruce Wayne has done much to advance the company’s philanthropy efforts since the tragic death of his parents Thomas and Martha. From medical research to space exploration, we utilize the most advanced technology money can buy, some of which is developed within Wayne Enterprises itself by head of R&D Lucius Fox.  Mr. Wayne works day and night to make sure the people of Gotham and the world are taken care of!

2.) Weyland-Yutani Corporation (Alien and Predator franchises)
At Weyland-Yutani, our vision is always looking towards the stars. Founder Jack Weyland always had a dream to explore the unknown universe and he’s made leaps and bounds to get there. We’ve discovered new and fascinating lifeforms which we hope to study and learn from. These new alien lifeforms could answer so many questions about life in space and could have tons of applications in both the medical and military sectors. Our chests are just bursting to show you what new and wondrous things we’ve discovered!

1.) The Umbrella Corporation (Resident Evil franchise)
Here at Umbrella, we have always strived to advance medical research in ways that were once unheard of. We’ve made tons of breakthroughs in cancer research, cellular regeneration, and basic preventative medicines. We’ve made great strides in eradicating some of the deadliest bacteria and virus’ known to man. So, do keep in mind that the recent slanderous reports of viral outbreaks and corporate espionage related to us are merely rumors from our competitors. “Zombies” and “monsters” are works of fiction and it’s just preposterous to imagine otherwise. Trust us. Here at Umbrella, Our Business is Life Itself.

Brett’s Honorable Mentions and Also-Rans:

  • Pierce & Pierce (Bonfire of the Vanities and American Psycho)
  • Cyberdyne Systems (Terminator franchise)
  • Nakatomi Industries (Die Hard)

Stephen’s Top Five

5.) Initech (Office Space)
“Looks like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays!”  Mike Judge’s hilarious send-up of office life in the 1990s (and 2000s… and 2010s…) perfectly captures the drudgery of working 9-to-5 for a soulless, faceless corporation… and Initech is the perfect stand-in for every office building everywhere.  From the trendy-sounding buzzwords to the clueless consultants to the impotent and ineffectual middle managers to the sheer pointlessness of their work (adding digits onto dates for Y2K), Initech embodies what makes office life so unbearable.

4.) Wernham-Hogg (“The Office” [US])
While the American version of “The Office” tends to be most people’s clear favorite, I’ve always preferred the original British version of the show.  Maybe it’s because I’ve had coworkers as annoying as Gareth Keenan (Mackenzie Crook) or bosses as obnoxious as David Brent (Ricky Gervais), but the people of Wernham-Hogg always struck me as more eccentric and kooky than their American counterparts with awkward situations that would make America’s Michael Scott turn pale.  Life in “The Office” will drive you mad.

3.) The Crimson Permanent Assurance (The Crimson Permanent Assurance and Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life)
Because not all takeovers are hostile enough!  In this brilliant brainchild of director Terry Gilliam, this short film premiered in front of Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life and features a boardroom full of American businessmen (working for the Very Big Corporation of America, no less) being accosted by the Crimson Permanent Assurance, a British financial organization who are… literal pirates.  It’s equal parts epic fantasy and absurdist comedy and I love every second of it! 

2.) Cyberdyne Systems (Terminator franchise)
Computers are the wave of the future, man.  And who better than Cyberdyne Systems to usher in a brave new era of cybernetic advancement that will bring America into the 21st century and beyond?  So what if most of their technological breakthroughs were the result of a cyborg arm, the study and reverse engineering of which will lead to the creation of the very technology that will likely be responsible for the nigh destruction of the human race?  Mistakes will be made, sure, but progress is forever!

1.) Wayne Enterprises (Batman, DC Comics)
When your superpower is ‘money,’ you need the backing of a successful and thriving business to keep you super.  So, it’s a good thing that Bruce Wayne inherited Wayne Enterprises, no?  Does anyone know what Wayne Enterprises actually does, though?  No word on what they’re cooking up in their L&D department?  No?  Oh, well… it’s probably all for the best.  Besides, since when do the richest people in the world need oversight?  It’s not like their CEO is prowling the streets at Gotham by night striking terror into the hearts of the cities criminal element… right?

Stephen’s Honorable Mentions and Also-Rans:

  • Acme Corporation (“Looney Toons”)
  • Callahan Auto Parts (Tommy Boy)
  • Dunder-Mifflin (“The Office” [US])
  • Stark Industries (Iron Man, Marvel Comics)
  • Weyland-Yutani Corporation (Alien franchise)
5.) Silver Shamrock Novelties (Halloween III: Season of the Witch)5.) Initech (Office Space)
4.) Acme Corporation (multiple franchises)4.) Wernham-Hogg (“The Office” [UK])
3.) Wayne Enterprises (Batman, DC Comics)3.) The Crimson Permanent Assurance (The Crimson Permanent Assurance)
2.) Weyland-Yutani Corporation (Alien and Predator franchises)2.) Cyberdyne Systems (Terminator franchise)
1.) The Umbrella Corporation (Resident Evil franchise)1.) Wayne Enterprises (Batman, DC Comics)

What are YOUR Top Five favorite fictional companies?  Let us know in the comments below!

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